Monday, July 10, 2006

The weekend that was

So last saturday we went to the Seodaemun Prison in Seoul. This prison was used by the japanese during the japanes occupation of Korea. The prison was used to imprison Korean freedom fighters and it was known for its cruel torture and bad living conditions. I think the prison is well worth visiting but some of the showcases were pretty cruel so I wouldn't recommend it to small children (there were lots of korean kids, but you could see that some of them got scared by the exhibition).
The picure is of me in a standing coffin. They put prisoners in these standing coffins and after a few days people would be paralyzed, or at least that is what the sign said that described this torture device.
Later on we went to Gangnam and had some omurice for dinner. I will post a picture of that too.
/BucketBoy Posted by Picasa


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