Wednesday, August 30, 2006


Don't you just hate it when you feel that you really must sleep, but somehow you can't? It's like that for me right now. It's 2.20 in the night and I am really tired but still I can't fall asleep. I have tried the usual tricks that I do when sleep won't come to me. I read a little, I take deep and slow breaths and try and relax and not think of anything, yet somehow my mind wanders to what needs to be done tomorrow and how tired I will be because I am not sleeping now. So I thought I might try getting tired by writing this post. I will have to deal with tomorrow when that comes.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Monday again!

Here we are a new Monday has arrived and the work week is just beginning. This week will be exciting workwise because this week we will move into our new office. We need to do some furniture shopping and cleaning but after that we will start working like busy little bees.
The weekend that was, was fun and relaxing. We tried to go sightseeing in Suwon, but some heavy rain showers put a stop to that. Instead we went shopping at the mall by the train station (we got some books), and then later me and Morgan went to Seoul. Yesterday we spent the day shopping for birthday gifts in Seoul. Both my sister and my mom has had their birhtdays, and I am going home in about a week and a half so I want to bring something nice for them.
Now I will go back to work.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Busy busy

Well I have been busy busy, but that is no excuse for not posting here. I really need to get my act together and start updating more often. I've been thinking about writing a post about korean bus drivers and how you risk your life every time you take the bus here, but it just hasn't happened yet. If I am not to lazy I might post something about it this weekend, but I won't make any promises.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Metallica in Seoul

Yesterday was Korea's independence day and what better way to celebrate that than going to a Metallica concert. Tool was the support band and even though I didn't get to see to much of them, what I saw seemed to be really good.
I tried taking some pictures, but they didn't turn out to so good with my little camera.
The most fun at the concert was seeing all the people go crazy and rock out when their favourite songs came on. Metallica were stable as always and it was a really good show overall. This is what me and Rasmus looked like.

Yeah it was hot as hell last night that is why my face is melting.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Still alive

No I am not dead so that is not the reason why I haven't posted in a while. The reason for that is I have been abducted by aliens, or as we say in Korea I have been busy working. I did go out last weekend and that was a blast, I will post some pictures of that later and I hope that I will get, nay, take some more time posting here. I like blogging, but sometimes I just forget.

Thursday, August 03, 2006


Paul arrived yesterday, and today he came down to Suwon for some meetings. I was going to take a picture but the battery in the camera gave up and needed charging, so we are left with no photo.
Among other things we went and had a look at our new office. I am really looking forward to moving in there. We also had a meeting at the old office here in Korea and it was really warm and sweaty. It is getting hot here now, really hot.
After the workday we went to Seoul for dinner at Raw. It was delicious as always, and I think we are going again on Monday when some more TAT people arrive. I should be sleeping now, but I am not tired. Oh well I guess I will go back to bed and toss and turn some more.