Friday, June 30, 2006

Friday at last

Another work week is to an end, or at least almost. (Still have some work to do). I have had a pretty good day today. I had some meetings and I worked with an engineer to do some upgrading. The engineer I work with is really cool. He is from India, but he lives here in Korea and has done so for a couple of years now. I always enjoy shooting the breeze with him.
What's up for the weekend? I don't know yet. Some rest and maybe some fun activity. I want to take Morgan to the Suwon City Walls. It is quite nice, but I guess it depends on the weather. The photo is from the walls when I was there with my coworker Rasmus last year.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Welcome to the world Isabella!!

Klas and Anette, two of my best friends had a baby last Saturday. Little baby Isabella, she is the cutest thing you will ever see. I want to congratulate them and wish them all the best. You guys are supercool!

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Any comments?

I forgot to mention in the last post that I now have enabled comments for everybody. But be weary! All comments have to be approved by me so if you want to critisize please do so constructively, not childishly! Ok? Ok! Good! That is all.

Hot and humid!!

So I am sitting here at the office working and trying not to disappear in a puddle of sweat. It is hot in our office, but it wouldn't be so bad if it was only hot. The thing is it is also humid. Turn on the AC you say. I wish I could, but we don't have AC in this office. What really kills me though is that this is only the beginning. It will get so much more humid than it is now. Just give it a couple of weeks. But at the same time I kinda like it. At least during the day. At night it is not so good. Alright time for some more water!!

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Mr Pizza - made for women

I just had some pizza with my dear girlfriend Morgan and with Rasmus. Pizza from Mr Pizza and two episodes of My name is Earl. That show is hilarious so far. Only seen two episodes but already laughed enough for four. That is good.
Anyway Mr Pizza is a pizza place here in Korea and their motto is: made for women Mr Pizza. I don't know why they have it, but it is kinda funny.
Had a pretty good day today. Lots of work as usual but also fun so it is alright. We might move to a new office and I had a chance to take a look at that today. Looks really nice, I really hope we get it. Ok time for some more web surfing and then off to bed. Have a nice one!


Monday, June 26, 2006

Swedish midsummer in Korea

First off, I have been very bad at posting, I know. I will try and remedy that from now. I am back in Korea again, and it has been a hectic couple of weeks. Last Friday it was midsummer in Sweden and we had a midsummer party here in Korea. Man, that party was a blast! Me, Rasmus, Paul and Morgan organized the whole thing and we invited both koreans and swedes. I think everybody had a good time even though we didn't have any herring (that is what you eat at midsummer). We did have schnaps and beer and lots of other alcohol so I think that made up for the herring. Paul and Rasmus went to Seoul in the early morning to watch Koreas soccer game in the world cup. They went to the City Hall in Seoul and it was jammed packed with people. Unfortunately Korea didn't win the game, but it still seemed like a cool thing. Ok now I will go back to watching Alias Season 2.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Quick trip to Sweden

So I finally get my blog started, and I am supposed to write about Korea. What is the first thing I do? I go back to Sweden. Funny how things work! Well well, I will only be in Sweden for nine days so I will soon be back in Korea.

Right now I'm leeching of my coworkers gold card, so I am sitting in the air port lounge posting this. Quite nice!

I wanted to post a picture of some interesting Korean sight, but the connection here is a little bit slow and I am tired and have no patience to wait for it to upload, so you will have to wait until next time.
/Bucketboy signing off

Thursday, June 01, 2006

First Post

so finally I got a blog started. The idea from the beginning was to build my own blog, but time wouldn't allow me, so I succumbed to using blogger. I think this will work for me, at least for a while. Well anyways, this blog will be about my time in South-Korea. I have already been here for 3 months, and I like it, even though work is killing me at times. My ambitions for this blog are high, and hopefully I will at least post a couple a times a week. Ok that is it for now.