Monday, October 30, 2006

Thailand here we come

So we decided to go to Thailand. After a lot of work Asiana finally let me pay for the tickets that I booked online. It was such a hassle, first I couldn't use my Swedish credit card, then I coul, but then it didn't work. Then they told me, no problem just go to our ticket office and pay. Sure, I can do that. At the office I am told, yes you can pick up your tickets here, but the price is higher. Hell no, nobody told me this. Well it ended well, I got the tickets for the original price and we are flying out on Wednesday evening. A day early from what I had first planned, but it is all good.
On Sunday Morgan and I went on tour on one of Seouls palaces, the Changdeokgung. You had to take the guided tour, but we kinda kept our distance to the group so it was almost as if we were on our own (not, there are people everywhere in Korea).
Here are some pictures from our tour. Enjoy!

Friday, October 27, 2006


So I will hopefully go away for some vacation at the end of next week. Morgan and I have been talking about going to some different places, Vietnam, Thailand or the Phillipines. I guess we were mostly discussing Vietnam, but then partly because of me, time has gotten away from us, and to go to Vietnam you need a visa. So now we are thinking about going some where, where you don't need a visa, and that is why Thailand and the Phillipines is on the list. We are going to a travel agent tomorrow so then we will see where we end up.
Now back to work!
Oh wait, I will leave you with another picture from my China trip. Enjoy!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Water dispenser

Look at that! Two posts in a row. What has gotten into me, one could ask. Well I guess I enjoy writing to this little blogg, it's just that my discipline and time is a bit lacking sometimes.

Anyway I am enjoying a cup of dry freezed coffee, here in our office. The day is almost over, I have one meeting left and then I will be on my way home to spend some time with Morgan.

I can enjoy that disgusting tasting coffee because about two weeks ago we got a water dispenser machine in our office. That thing is great and you don't realize how much difference it makes until you actually have one. We worked for quite a while before we got it and now I think back on that time and I realize how much nicer it is to be able to have some coffee or tea at the office. It is a small thing that makes a big difference. Our machine gives us both hot and cold water. Yes it is that fancy!

Monday, October 23, 2006

Pig roast and Gandalf

On Saturday I and Morgan went to a pig roast that some of Morgans friends and coworkers had been invited too. It was really nice because it was a bit outside of Seoul, away from traffic and other big city sounds. I meet some really cool people there and we had a good time with lots of roasted pig, beer and soju. Here is a picture from the evening. I tried to remove the redyes in Picasa, but it didn't work out that well.

Yesterday, I was a bit hungover and me and Morgan had a nice relaxing day in Seoul. First we went to Bennigans and had some food. Morgan got their Monte Christo sandwich, which was really something else. If you ever go to Bennigans you should try it. After that we went to Seoul National Science Museum. It was quite nice just walking around in there and looking at the exhibits. I was kinda of tired, but it was still a lot of fun. On the way back from the museum we passed this huge statue of Gandalf, and since he is Morgan's hero I took a picture of them together.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

This post has been a long time coming

So I guess it is due time for a new post. Last time I wrote something I was in Sweden, working at the TAT headquarters for a week. After that I went to China, Beijing to be more exact, for vacation. In Beijing me and Rasmus did a lot of sightseeing, we were tricked into going to a teahouse and paying too much money for tea.

We went to the Great Wall, which was truly breathtaking, I can really recommend going there. Here is a picture from the wall. We went to a place called Simitai(spelling?) which is supposed to a little less touristy because the wall here is quite steep and sometimes hard to climb.

I also managed to get some sort of stomach bug, which surprised me. I mean I have been living in Korea for almost six months and never once had any problems with this sort of thing. I'm in China for one week and bam, there I am running between a hole in the floor and my bed.
Well, after China I came back to Korea and finally got to see Morgan again. During the past weeks it has been a lot of work, but at the same time a lot of fun. Paul and Anders were here last week, and we have two engineers in Gumi so slowly slowly Sweden is strengthening its prescence in Korea.
Let's hope it won't be this long until next post.